Braces for teens

Your teenager deserves a full and natural smile. With Damon Braces® and clear aligners, it’s easier than ever to get a more comfortable treatment with lasting results. At Black Orthodontics, you don’t have to choose between affordability and giving your teen a picture-perfect smile.

How do I know if braces are right for my teen?

One of the most frequent questions we get is about how much braces will change your teen’s lifestyle. Many parents are understandably concerned about their teen’s comfort level and don’t want to add to adolescence’s hardships. Recent advances have made the clunky and prominent braces people remember from their childhood a thing of the past.

With clear aligners or self-ligating braces, your teen can transform their bite into a brilliant smile while enjoying less pain and more daily freedom. We are proud to offer clear aligners and Damon Braces for your teen at Black Orthodontics. Additionally, if we find that your teen is not getting ideal results using clear aligners during the first three months of treatment, we will change their treatment to Damon Braces at no additional cost.

Dr. Black will survey your child’s needs and recommend a treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. Plus, by taking advantage of interest-free monthly payments and flexible payments, you can enhance your child’s smile with a price point that makes sense for you.

Types of braces for teens

Clear aligners are made of a lightweight and durable material that gently hugs your teen’s teeth. Your teen will only need to commit to wearing their aligners 20-22 hours a day and replacing the set every few days. During checkups, we will monitor their progress and make adjustments to improve their outcome. If we discover during the first three months of their treatment that clear aligners aren’t suited to your teen’s lifestyle, we will switch their treatment to Damon System Braces at no additional cost.

What are the benefits of teen braces?

Improving your teen’s smile can boost their self-confidence and transform their physical health. When left unaddressed, alignment issues can cause cavities, gingivitis, and an overall breakdown of your teen’s dental health. Asymmetrical bites are more difficult to clean and have more pockets that trap food and cause plaque buildup. As a result, these teeth are more likely to develop cavities.

Teeth with even surfaces are easier to clean with regular brushing and flossing. In the long run, you save money by correcting an alignment because you avoid future intervention costs.

Your teens slight lifestyle adjustments

  • Foods to avoid

    Teens wearing clear braces will need to avoid certain foods — such as nuts, potato chips, and junk food — because these can cause damage and discoloration.

  • Maintaining

    Your teen will need to maintain their aligners or braces with additional steps to their daily cleaning schedule

  • Less pain

    Damon Braces do not require tightening, but some people may experience increased tenderness following appointments.

Western North Carolina’s teen braces leader

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